domenica 16 febbraio 2014

bacche rosse

"bacche rosse iv"
brilliant red chokeberries
WIP  watercolour wash

15 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Wonderful, Jane! Beautiful warm colors. Have nice Sunday! :)

Lisa Graham ha detto...

This is gorgeous Jane. It looks so technically difficult and I am in awe at how this looks so much like stained glass.

Fernando ha detto...

El conjunto resulta fascinante con esos colores cálidos. Muy atractivo. Un saludo.

Eva ha detto...

Querida Jane, to much lovely!!warm regards.

irinapictures ha detto...

I am so very interested to see the progress of your relations with paint, shape and art subjects.

Marty ha detto...

very beautiful delicate colours !

Sergio DS ha detto...

Me gustan los tonos, me gustan las texturas, me gusta TODO...

Blaga ha detto...

Beautiful combination of fluidity and texture!

Lydie ha detto...

Tes petites baies sont merveilleusement attirantes, je t'en chiperai bien quelques unes... Bisous!

Margaret M. Lin ha detto...

Lovely painting :-)

Tito ha detto...

Wow! Ma che bello Jane, mi piace moltissimo questo rosso. Abbraccio.

JANE MINTER ha detto...

thank you all so much for your feed back Hilje Lisa Chagua Eva Irina Marty Sergio Blaga Lydie Margaret and Tito ... I liked the colours and texture here not sure it works completely ... ... Lisa just working wet in wet I added texture on the last and third wash applying a plastic bag ( as I didn't have cling film )

Annaquarel.les ha detto...

Gorgeous colours and textures Love it Jane.

JANE MINTER ha detto...

Hi there Anna many thanks for your encouragement.

Sherry Schmidt ha detto...

Looking through your beautiful pieces, this one jumped out at me! So stunning!