.....as an extension of my blog I've decided to start a facebook page Jane Minter - Artist if you wish to follow me on facebook click on the facebook badge above or on the side bar then press the "like" button on my page .. a huge thankyou to everyone who has already done so.
The masterpieces of Gustav Klimt are quintesensual I could have stayed for hours last week , when I visited the exhibition in Venice, just looking at his paintings and drawings.I found his earlier work fascinating to see .The architectural drawings paintings and designs of Josef Hoffman were also a highlight for me and reminiscent of the art and architecture of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Charles Rennie Mackintosh with The Glasgow Four exhibited with Secessionist in 1900
The Glasgow Four
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
You might be interested to look at the watercolours of Charles Rennie Mackintosh the video above shows some of his watercolours with his architecture ....I have a beautiful book Mackintosh's watercolours which catologues a collection of his work.
Below I've added a video from the Tate which shows a similiar exhibition on a larger scale in Liverpool UK 2008 which focuses on Secession and work of both Klimt and Hoffman .
small watercolour wash ....one of a few small watercolour washes inspired by the striking and intense colours of a collection of Russian Icons "Icone Russe" Galleria di Palazzo Leoni di PalazzoLeoni Montanari , Vicenza.
"squirrel quill mop brush" "Highly Commended" PATCHINGS 2012 COMPETITION - THE ARTIST CATEGORY watercolour - still life 30 x 45 cm mounted painted from life without preliminary pencil sketch
I was so very happy to learn from TAPC - The Artist's Publishing Company Ltd
that my painting "squirrel quill mop brush" has been "Highly Commended" for the PATCHINGS 2012 ART COMPETITION 2012 - The Artist Category.
The selected works from The Artist and Leisure Painter magazines' Patchings open Art competition will be exhibited at the annual Patchings exhibition 2012 at Patchings Art Craft and Design Festival , Patchings Art Center Nottinghamshire , UK - from June 14th 2012 until July 22nd .
The exhibition with the highly commended works will be shown on-line on the Patching's website from June 14th 2012 onwards .
...our top field is a mass of wild flowers at the moment ....posting an initial watercolour wash of a single wild daisy which I painted outside this week .
"chiodi forgiati" quick watercolour sketch 26 x 41cm
we have quite a few of these large hand made old wrought iron nails in the beams of our house ...they really are beautiful objects ..the three loose nails which i've made sketches and studies are probably from 16th century .