giovedì 2 settembre 2010

watching together - portrait


"watching together"

...... over the summer i've been looking at sketches studies and portraits i've painted over the last few years i wanted to share this  portrait i painted at the beginning of  2009 of my youngest daugther and her aunt ..they are very close.... at the time i was pleased with it as it was the first time i'd tried to paint a double portrait ..... i painted it in one hit ....i used maimeri  cad red raw sienna and cerl blue ... i can see mistakes but i still like this study... i have a lot to learn and hope one day to capture the likeness of my daughters.

15 commenti:

graziano tessarolo ha detto...

Brava è fatto bene... potresti proprio pensare a continuare con altri ritratti!!! Sarebbe molto bello anche vedere nei tuoi ritratti il volto che "si mostra e si nasconde" nell'acqua e nei colori come i fiori di tanti tuoi bellissimi acquerelli.
Ciao Graziano

Tito ha detto...

Jane, io trovo che sia un buon ritratto, soprattutto considerando che è un doppio ritratto. Bella la colorazione dei visi e bellissima la luce. Se insisti diventerai una grande ritrattista. Un abbraccio.

Sadami ha detto...

Dear Jane,
Please be kind to yourself. Just enjoy it. Never say, "mistakes." We all try, "experiments" that turn to be precious "experiences." So, there's no mistake. Don't be tough on you. I really look forward to next.
Kind regards, Sadami

A Brush with Color ha detto...

Oh, how lovely! So soft and delicate. It's beautiful.

Crystal Cook ha detto...

I think it's beautiful Jane, you've captured a lovely feeling here :)

Sandeep Khedkar ha detto...

its wonderful! The light is captured very beautifully

Sandra Busby ha detto...

I also think that the light is lovely in this painting. I've never tried a portrait in watercolour, only acrylics. This is amazing for a first attempt!

Cristina Dalla Valentina ha detto...

Trovo che tu abbia reso le ombre su questi volti in un modo davvero delizioso... c'è un senso pittorico di unione di questi due ritratti che illustra veramente bene l'affetto tra tua figlia e la zia. Sei veramente brava!

JANE MINTER ha detto...

ciao graziano in time i would love to explore that . thankyou so much for your kind words of encouragement

JANE MINTER ha detto...

ciao tito grazie mille ..will keep insisting :)haven't tried painting that no of portraits

hi sadami i think it is valuable to look reflect and be self critical ...the experience and act of painting is fundamental .. lot of experiments yet to discover.

thanks so much sue , enjoying watching your sketchbook project

hi sandeep thankyou so much lots of practice needed

hello crystal thankyou for looking ..have alot to learn

hi sandra thankyou... hope to you try a watercolour portrait

ciao cristina sono molto legati ! grazie mille

sorry not to have replied until now i'm travelling again .

jamila aladdin ha detto...

Lovely portraits Jane ...I agree that you are hard on yourself ... these are so good ... you have captured the light and the characters so well

Candy ha detto...

Jane, this study is lovely. You caught the feeling of the close relationship they have.

JANE MINTER ha detto...

thankyou jamila for your kind words as always .

many thanks candy

Jane ha detto...

Jane , I just went through all your portraits, and I think you are a very talented "ritrattista", the one with your daughter and her aunt is really fabulous, my favorite.

JANE MINTER ha detto...

hi jane thankyou for your kind words of encouragement ... i'd like to spend more time on portraits ...i need alot more practice.