sabato 19 gennaio 2013

single larch cone

"single larch cone" 
larix iii
watercolour study
painted from life 

17 commenti:

Polly Birchall ha detto...

Your control of water in wet in wet painting is wonderful.

Sandra Busby ha detto...

Another lovely painting! So free and juicy! :0)

Jane ha detto...

Beautiful and loose ! Have a nice Sunday.

Sadami ha detto...


JANE MINTER ha detto...

polly sandra jane + sadami thankyou all for you kind comments .

irinapictures ha detto...

Control of water?, no. I think it is your great ability to allow watercolor to lose control.
It is so interesting to see which direction your art style moves to in time.
Wow. Watercolor course!
I am back. At least I think so at a moment))

JANE MINTER ha detto...

:D better be back ! good to see you irina ...hope to see lots of your beautiful work in 2013 !

Blaga ha detto...

Another gentle and delicate painting with very beautiful colors and texture!

Sonia Aguiar ha detto...

Una acuarela muy bella :)

Watermarycolors ha detto...

Un trabajo estupendo! Saludos

Cobalt Violet ha detto...

Lovely lovely lovely!!!
Hope you are well and 2013 is off to a good start.
Thanks for always being such an inspiration!

Carlos Sarrate ha detto...

Jane, quise comentarte cuando publicaste los spaguetti, y empecé a traducir al inglés unas ideas pero a final se me pasó... Te lo pongo a medias en inglés. Tus acuarelas son todas como de ingredientes, a veces de cocina, a veces, como ahora, de otros elementos. Nos traes textures, wild thistle, peas, walnuts (magníficas), apricots, chili peepers, plums, inches, grapes, cipolla rosso, aglio, red thread, old wooden cotton reel granadas, abstracto, spaguetti...
Los ingredientes solos dan una pintura delicada, minimalista, con un toque de existencia difusa, "desenfocada", que no llega a instalarse en el mundo pero se sugiere tímidamente, llama nuestra atención... antes que una ligera brisa descomponga su solidez. En tus cuadros cabe hacer una insinuación, casi una pequeña broma: Ya que tienes todos los ingredientes, ¿no sería hora ya de cocinarlos? Una composición en la que los seres aislados se encuentran y se comunican... En fin, un bodegón (still life), ¿no estaría bien?
Pero no: si el artista quiere explorar singularidades mínimas y éste es su terreno, está bien que así sea... Sólo expreso mis propios gustos...

JANE MINTER ha detto...

blaga many thanks ...might have posted too many cones :)

sonia thankyou !

thankyou lucinda apart from all the "bugs" good ! ...hope you're doing well too lucinda

carlos your thoughtful post makes it so worth blogging i read your suggestions on complexity with great interest you are right in many ways ..i am working in that direction :) i hope to get there takes time ...i'm currently working on a big commission 2.5 m .... it still might be minimal ..will be a challenge ! ..thankyou so very much carlos .

minnemie ha detto...

I've been gone so long, but enjoyed coming back to your refreshing art. I especially like the washes you did in November and December!

Anamaria do Val ha detto...

Hi Jane! Great work! Every time I see your watercolours I think I have to put more water on explore water effects beautifully!

John (JWJarts) ha detto...

Jane, you put the 'water' into 'watercolours' ... fabulous!!!

JANE MINTER ha detto...

minniemie hope all is well many thanks looking again .

anamaria .. lots :)..need to catch up with your beautiful watercolours .

john water + colour :) hope you are painting lots and thankyou .