sabato 31 agosto 2013


on-site freehand pencil sketch 
moleskine pocket notebook 

......a glipse of my "visual diary" of  plein air sketches from our recent travels in Greece .

9 commenti:

Polly Birchall ha detto...

It's lovely to see inside someone's personal sketch book

Rita Vaselli ha detto...

Cara Jane,spero di ammirare ancora altri magnifici schizzi dal tuo moleskine!

Sadami ha detto...

Hi, Jane, nice! I like your architecture.
Cheers, Sadami

Tito ha detto...

Jane, oltre che una bravissima acquarellista sei anche una eccellente disegnatrice. Trovo magnifici questi ultimi due schizzi, la facciata del Palladio direi che è "super"! Ciao!

JANE MINTER ha detto...

hi polly rita sadami tito ...thank you for all your lovely comments i took many photos but i can't tell you what a treat it was to just sit and make a few sketches amongst the ruins.

Sadami ha detto...

Oh, I want to sketch them like you!!

Anonimo ha detto...

Hi Jane, really love this sketch, great to see a glimpse of your visual diary!! I hope you had a wonderful time in Greece!

Judy ha detto...

Such a simple and beautiful sketch! I hope you had a great time in Greece!

JANE MINTER ha detto...

i'd loved to have stayed there longer to sketch sadami :)

thank you hilje .....we had a great trip sailing from the ionian islands around the peloponesse to athens.

thanks judy i had a wonderful time with my family .