giovedì 29 marzo 2018

pheasant feather

"pheasant feather"
painted from life

Canson Fontenay COLD PRESS

5 commenti:

Sadami ha detto...

Good work, Jane! Take care and enjoy life and painting. Best wishes, Sadami

Debbie Nolan ha detto...

Wow Jane - looks real enough to touch. Hope you are having a great day. Hugs!

Meera Rao ha detto...

This is so delicate and beautiful! - I am curious to know what size are these paintings.

Cobalt Violet ha detto...

Wow. THAT is lovely.
So so beautiful. Happy spring to you!!! <3

JANE MINTER ha detto...

thank you Judy

rhanks Sadami

many thanks Debbie

Hi Meera this is abour 1:1 scale the feather is approx 35cm/40cm high

happy spring to you Lucinda thank you