giovedì 29 marzo 2012

mono-printing with aluminium foil .

"aluminium foil  + wet on dry  watercolour wash  + drawing"
texture - aluminium swatch ii
20x50cm vangrow torchon
FUM + magenta 
foil lifted whilst wash was still wet .

"section of aluminium foil  + pencil  drawing" the watercolour wash above the aluminium foil was laid lightly  onto the  wet watercolour wash without pressing it down firmly  and I then drew quickly with a pencil on top of the foil  to see the effects. This time I took the the foil off whilst the wash was still wet to see what happened before the paper dried ... I like the random patterns which formed.
..... the textures change depending on the type of paper, how the foil is applied, length of time the foil is left and pressure applied on the foil.

....since my last post I've found a very good reference for mono - printing with aluminium   " 75 New + Classic Painting secrets of watercolour " book by Cathy Johnson shows clearly  it's application in background textures and incoporating textures into subjects such as rocks and buildings by imprinting....I've tried a few of the exercises...painting on crumpled foil and printing + folding foil + drawing on the foil ..below is an exercise inspired by Cathy's excercises

"watercolour wash + folded aluminium foil + drawing"
texture - aluminium swatch iii

....the small brown wash (blob) shows the pattern of aluminium foil folded into squares  applied lightly on a flat wash with  squares drawn  with a pencil on top of the foil .

imprint made  with residue of paint left on the reverse side of foil  of the wash above + light wash 

mercoledì 28 marzo 2012

textures - watercolour + aluminium foil

 "watercolour wash  + aluminium foil"
watercolour texture swatch
canson fontenay 32 x 41cm 

I'm familiar with using wet in wet technique with cling film to create textures  but I haven't used foil before .. I was curious to see the textures and the similiarities between cling film and foil. a start I divided the sheet in 4 vertical  areas to see  how textures changed with foil and it's application on a wet watercolour wash. ..the foil was left on the watercolour paper until the wash dried .

-lhs ( left hand side ) I applied crumpled foil pressed lightly on raw sienna  which resulted in an even texture
- middle section  purple section of  the wash
-I applied foil folded in 3 vertical strips next to the purple wash on rhs - you can see some of the folds but it's uneven
-rhs ( right hand side) a  larger area where the foil was laid down flat and pressed down firmly with my hand can see the texture of the paper clearly and the random folds of the foil (which remain clear as with cling film ) at the edge the foil lifted  slightly.

...lots more swatches and experimenting with foil to do ..would be interesting to know if any of you have used foil .

martedì 27 marzo 2012

green door

"green door"
watercolour sketch
no preliminary pencil sketch 

.....a watercolour sketch painted  a few years ago.... with special thanks to my friend Marina for the ref photo .. you can see  Mariana Teding van Berkhout's  beautiful watercolours on her site

domenica 25 marzo 2012

Basilica Palladiana - section of façade


"Basilica Palladiana" 
section of  façade
watercolour study 
32 x 41cm 

experimenting with façades and watercolour washes .... I made a quick free hand sketch in blue biro on an existing  blue and purple "wet in wet" watercolour  wash and then added another wash loosely to suggest the  façade. .

lunedì 19 marzo 2012

textures - watercolour + alcohol

"watercolour wash + alcohol "
Fabrinano 30.5 x 45.5cm


"watercolour wash + alcohol "

I have been experimenting with watercolour washes and alcohol this week the textures are interesting  ....this was a  wet in wet watercolour wash with 90% alcohol  added afterwards whilst the wash was still wet's fascinating to watch how the alcohol repels the water and how the pigments disperse  ...I liked the white circles which are formed by the drops of alcohol.. (.in other washes I squirted the alcohol )...I washed off one corner to see what would happen ... I  re-wet  sections then added alcohol again to see  what effect that would have and I also added pigment by splattering  . ..when you add the alcohol first it resists the water + pigment  as does wax . 

martedì 13 marzo 2012

yellow + violet

"purple crocuses"
watercolour wash  section
yellow + violet 

"purple crocuses"
 watercolour wash # 1
canson montval 

"purple crocuses"
watercolour wash # 2
canson montva


yellow crocuses" 
A4 watercolour sketch 
plein-air - no pencil 

"purple crocuses" 
A4 watercolour sketch 
plein-air - no pencil 

.....posting  a couple of quick sketches  i did last week with a couple of small initial watercolour washes playing with complementary  palette  inspired by yellow and purple crocuses. 

colour theory - colour journals /sketchbooks

" orange + blue" 

complementary colours
watercolour - watercolour tubes - still life 

"cad orange + cerl blue"
complementary colours 
colour swatches "wet in wet"
A4 moleskine sketchbook 

"cad orange  + FUM "
complementary colours
colour swatches "wet in wet"
A4 moleskine Maggie Latham's  Exploring colour in watercolour part 4 .... Maggie talks about the importance of keeping a colour journal sketchbook ..I'm posting a couple examples of complementary colour swatches  "orange + blue"  which I've made in the past from pages of one of my moleskine sketchbooks...  I enjoy working intuitively with colour  hopefully knowledge of colour theory will enrich this ....working on 100 wash challenge definately has.

lunedì 12 marzo 2012

cherry blossom

"cherry blossom"
watercolour sketch 
A4 format watercolour moleskine
 painted from life - no pencil 

....a quick sketch of a single branch of one of our cherry trees  painted outside today.

sabato 10 marzo 2012


watercolour study 
painted from life 

...the delicate scent of the small winter flowers from  our calicantus tree has disappeared now as the yellow flowers are fading fast  .....i painted this initial study a few weeks ago outside when it was in full bloom.

mercoledì 7 marzo 2012

reds + violet + yellows

"reds+ violet + yellows"
watercolour wash
50 mm flat brush 
initial wash yellow + red 
second wash yellow + red + violet


martedì 6 marzo 2012

red + yellow + violet

"red + yellow + violet"
watercolour wash 
..... sections of a lager watercolour wash showing close-up of  textures of water and pigments ...I'm experimenting with some new watercolours which are hand -made from natural pigments. 

red + violet


"red + violet"
watercolour wash 

venerdì 2 marzo 2012

colour theory - value charts and studies

value scale charts 
neutral tint (W&N)
canson montval

thumbnail value sketch #1  
Castello Giuletta
plein air 
canson montval

....following on from colour charts  I'm posting an initial value sketch (castle view  again) with value scale  charts below inspired by
Maggie Latham's next tuorial on values  "Exploring colour in watercolour" the next week I hope to paint lots more plein air studies /thumbnails will help me get to grips with challenging  hillside views here .

giovedì 1 marzo 2012

old plough

"old plough" 
plein air watercolour sketch 
with no prelimanary pencil sketch 
32 x 41cm 

I've wanted to paint this wonderful old plough which is in our garden for a long time ...this is an initial watercolour sketch I  painted out side today .