"ARTISTI DEL CUORE" - Mostra pro - alluvionati Caldogno
degli annessi Villa Caldogno a Caldogno (Vicenza)
inzierà venerdì 10 Dicembre 2010 alle ore 18:00
finirà domenica 12 Dicembre 2010 alle ore 18:00
Villa Veneto - Andrea Palladio
.... I wanted to mention this exhibition here...i hope anyone who lives nearby will visit the exhibition this week-end ... I was happy to donate with many other artists a painting today for this exhibition after my local watercolour association Associazione Veneta Acquarello asked members on behalve of Michela Gruppach if they could help .....funds raised from the exhibition will be for the benefit of citizens who lost their homes when the Bacchiglione river flooded in the region of Veneto last month.